Wanderlust Triathlon

I participated in the Wanderlust Festival compassionate triathlon in NYC the other weekend. Instead of the traditional run, bike, swim activities, this compassionate triathlon consisted of a 5K- which you could run or walk, 90 minutes of yoga, followed by meditation.

Outside of the triathlon activities, there was a festival which included vendors, food and samples for all participants to try.

I definitely recommend checking out the festival, if you get a chance. Events are held around the country and you can learn more about it here: wanderlust 108.



Yogi Postcards: Greetings from . . .postcard(marcy-houses-bed-stuy-brooklyn)


Vegetarian Tortilla Salad
This simple, fresh, crunchy and yummy salad is perfect for hot summer days. The dressing is a vegetarian ceasar dressing recipe which can be found here (or you can buy your own, traditional ceasar dressing has anchovies, so this recipe is good for strict vegetarians.) Check it out:

Ingredients: Lettuce (shredded and washed), 1/2 cup olives (chopped), 1 large tomato (diced), 4 scallions (chopped), tortilla chips (crumbled), salt, pepper to taste.

– Add lettuce, 3 table spoons olives, 1/4 cup tomato, scallions to large bowl.
– Toss with dressing
– Add salt and pepper to taste
– Add to plate and top with tortilla chips

Bon Appetit!


Scent of a Yogi
Put your sense of smell to good use for your mind and body. Aromatherapy and the use of some essential oils can calm, and in some cases heal, the body. The smell of a scent, with which you connect, can transport mind and soul to a peaceful mental space, regardless of your actual environment.

The placement of a few drops of essential oil on the body at pressure points, after a shower or yoga practice, can serve as a nice treat for the body and mind. Options ranging from body oils, to candles, to scented soaps can help to create your own personal sanctuary.

Here’s a new product line, called Oxalis Apothecary, featuring aromatherapy and other products that can help you create a scent filled temple for your body and soul.

Create and enjoy your sanctuary!



Summer Solstice Yoga

Zen Koan: “The sun in the sky shines everywhere. Why does a cloud obscure it?”

June 21st marks the summer solstice, the day with the greatest amount of daylight, the longest day of the year and the official arrival of the summer season.

We held a lovely outdoor Solstice eve pool dec class and although the sun wasn’t visible to the eye for our outdoor festivities, the signs of summer (scents, sounds, air quality) were ever present in the outdoor practice. We even got a few sprinkles of rain, which we embraced.

Whether you have sun on your solstice or not, connect with the knowledge that the sun is present and shining on you. Enjoy and embrace the arrival of the season, be present in each moment, and salute your sun!

Happy solstice, Happy International yoga day, and happy father’s day!

Om bhanave namah.



Yogi Postcards: Greetings from . . .yogi-postcard-bushwick-mural-its-just-begun


Workout-To-Work Clothes
Finding ways to integrate fitness into a busy schedule is no easy feat and going from activity to work, or a social committment, is made easier with workout transitional clothing. There are now options that allow for greater flexibility to go from gym to office or gym to dinner. Here are a few below that fit the bill:

(1) Black yoga pant– black is a standard and a pant that is loose at the leg is a seamless transition to any activity: Old Navy Women’s Wide leg yoga pant
(2) Tunic– a tunic that covers an athletic top or sports bra: Athleta Chi Tunic
(3) Layers– Layers help to transition and this vest is stylish and fun: Lululemon Simply the Vest
(4) Simple Tee– a long sleeve shirt or tee made from special fabrics made for movement: GapFit Motion Tee
(5) Outerwear– structured jackets provide a more formal look for a post workout activity: Gap Eyelet Sleeve bomber
(6) Men’s yoga pants– a stylish and functional pant for men: Lululemon Men’s Kungfu Pants

Om Shanti.


Celebrate Yoga!
June 21st has officially been declared International Yoga Day! The U.N. Genernal assembly officially declared the day in December 2014.

There have been, and still are, other official observances of yoga; September is National Yoga month, sponsored by the Department of Health and Human Services and in the past Yoga Alliance has declared National Yoga Day in January. I feel that the greater the number of opportunities to celebrate yoga, the better, but it’s powerful to have an international celebration declared.

The first official International Yoga Day this year will fall on the same day as New York City’s Solstice in the Square with the Times Square Alliance. Solstice in the Square has recently announced its registration opening for yoga in Times Square on June 21st, so register soon to get a spot on IYD.
