Meditation Rx- Types (Part 2 of 3)meditation-types  
Just like types of yoga, there are many types and approaches to meditation.

Transcendental meditation uses the repetition of a mantra or phrase to focus the mind. This is practiced with eyes closed, while seated, for 15 – 20 minutes.

Zen or Zazen meditation is a practice of focusing on the breath, often counting the breath while focusing, to quiet the mind. Zen meditation often incorporates other components and practices of Buddhist philosophy toward the attainment of enlightenment through the use of meditation.

Vippasana meditation stems from Buddhist philosophy and is a practice that also focuses on the breath to build awareness and insight of the nature of life (3 Marks of Existence- Impermanence, Suffering, Emptiness). As you focus on your surroundings, while focusing on your breath, a recognition/labeling of thoughts and observances is often used to cultivate a platform of remaining present.

Metta meditation is often called Loving-Kindness meditation. It focuses on dedication of thoughts on another person, using a progressive series of types of personal relationships to build empathy and compassion. A series of thoughts and words that focus on compassion for each person is repeated silently to help cultivate peace for others and self.

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction is adapted from Buddhist traditions is very common in the West. The premise is the use of focus on the breath to stay present. Practiced seated, while eyes are closed, the practitioner focuses on breathing and if thoughts that may arise, observe them, without judgement.

There are many other types of meditation. Try different techniques to discover what is right for you.


