Chaturanga Dandasanachaturanga-dandasana

Chaturanga Dandasana or Four-Limbed Staff pose is a posture that strengthens the upper body (arms, back and core.) It is a challenging pose that has many important alignment cues and levels of modification.

To find this position, begin in plank pose and then slowly begin to bend the elbows (keeping the elbows hugging the body) and lower your torso toward the mat, with your shoulders transitioning forward toward the front of the mat. When the torso comes half-way down, hover there for a few moments. Then transition to the floor, or back into plank, or into upward facing dog pose. As a modification, you can bring the knees to the mat in plank pose and transition to chaturanga with knees on mat.

This pose may be contraindicated for those with a shoulder or arm injury.

Enjoy the strength of your Four-Limbed Staff pose!


